Monday, February 23, 2009

Are you afraid of the dark?

So I woke up this morning feeling as if I'd never gone to bed. Ever had one of those awful nights where all you do is have dreams (nightmares, rather) about the most random and upsetting things? You wake up knowing that it was a dream, but it feels so real. You rationalize, you convince yourself it couldn't have actually happened, you recall all the instances that aren't possible in the real world, all the things that make no sense, yet you can't shake the feeling.

Its interesting how you can start your day so unsettled because of the dreams you had the night before, even if they were just dreams. Or is it because subconsciously, I'm afraid of them coming true, or of them being more likely to happen than I'd like? Perhaps this is the outlet for your fears that you don't think about/avoid thinking about consciously?


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